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About Us

We are a group of "living historians," re-enactors that portray Company "C" of the original 125th NY. We pride ourselves on historical accuracy and we have a great time doing it. The Association is comprised of about 55 members and we are growing. We attend events such as, parades, living history encampments, large scale battles, movie documentaries, small and large scale school programs, and last but by no means least; preservation events.


Quote from Harrison Clark (Medal of Honor recipient) of the 125th NYVI who carried the Colors for his wounded comrade


"It was about seven o'clock in the evening of July 2,1863, as we moved down into the fight, the sun was sinking low in the west and the heavens were ablaze with its splendor, in marked contrast with the lurid fires of death towards which we were marching. We were halted amid a heavy cloud of smoke in front of a swale and a new growth of trees. Through the smoke covering the field we could dimly see the outlines of men moving about. We commenced to fire, but the word was shouted: 'firing on your own men,' and the command was given to 'cease firing.'


We soon learned our mistake.


The color-bearer at my right fell, mortally wounded, and before the old flag could touch the ground, I caught it, and on we rushed with loud cries; on, with bullets whizzing by our ears, shells screaming and cannon balls tearing the air, now bursting above and around us, laying many of our comrades either low in death, or bleeding with terrible wounds. Most of our color guard were killed or wounded.

The purpose was accomplished. The enemy had failed to break through our lines, and Little Round Top and Cemetery Hill were still ours. On the return march, as we were passing the swale, where over one hundred of our brave men had fallen in the space of half an hour, the regiment was again formed in line of battle, the colonel ordered me to step three paces in front of the regiment, promoted me color-bearer and, by his recommendation to Congress, I was awarded a Medal of Honor."


As written by Corporal Harrison Clark, the text is found in "Deeds of Valor"

At the battle of the Wilderness, Color-Sergeant Clark displayed rare bravery and continued fighting, though shot in the leg. He was promoted lieutenant on the battlefield.

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